Nubia N1 is now available to purchase in India online on It is priced at Rs 11,999 MRP . It is powered by 2.0GHz MTK Helio P10 octa core processor and for graphics, there is ARM Mali T860 GPU. ZTE Nubia N1 come with 3GB of ram and 32GB of internal storage. The display is a 5.5 inch Full HD one. There is a 13MP rear camera with F2.2 aperture and a 13MP front camera with F2.4 aperture lens. It runs on Android 6 Marshmallow. It is equipped with a massive 5000mAh battery which can easily last through a day of moderate to heavy usage. Buy Nubia N1 on from here. Nubia N1 Specs and Features 13MP F2.2 aperture, 5-pieces lens/ 13MP front facing camera 5.5-inch Full HD 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution, 401 ppi pixel density and 16M color support Android v6 Marshmallow operating system 2.0GHz MTK Helio P10 octa core processor + ARM Mali T860 GPU 3GB RAM, 32GB internal memory expandable up to 128GB Dual SIM (nano+nano) dual-stand...