Xiaomi Mi 5 (White, 32 GB) is now available to purchase online in India on Amazon.in, Flipkart and Snapdeal. Earlier it was only available to purchase from their website. Xiaomi Mi 5 (White, 32 GB) price in India Rs 24,999 MRP . There is currently no offers or discounts available except exchange offer on Flipkart - lowest price with exchange is Rs 9,999 . Mi 5 black version is listed on Flipkart, but currently not in stock. Xiaomi Mi 5 (White, 32 GB) Buying Links : Flipkart | Amazon.in | Snapdeal Xiaomi Mi 5 (White, 32 GB) Specs and Features Camera : 16MP primary camera with 4-axis OIS, 6p lens, f/2.0 aperture, sapphire glass lens cover, two tone flash, DTI image enhancement, PDAF auto focus, 32s manual exposure, HDR, facial recognition and 4MP front facing camera for Selfies. Display : 13.081 centimeters (5.15-inch) IPS NTSC 95 percent capacitive touchscreen with 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution and 428 ppi pixel density Operating System : Android 6.0 M...