Nokia has launched it's latest flagship high end Android smartphone Nokia 8 in India at a price of Rs 36,999. This is an Exclusive mobile, hence is not available to purchase from Flipkart as of this writing. It is available in 3 different colors - Polish Blue , Steel and Tempered Blue . Buy Nokia 8 on from here. Limited time Nokia 8 Launch Offers on Get 10% back, Shop with Amazon Pay balance. Maximum up to Rs.500 per customer. Min. order value is Rs.250. ADD BALANCE NOW Here's how (terms and conditions apply) Get 10% cashback with purchases using SBI Debit and Credit Cards. Minimum Purchase Rs. 5000, Maximum Cashback Rs. 1,750 Here's how (terms and conditions apply) No Cost EMI available on all major credit cards. The total amount you pay to your EMI provider will be equal to the item price. Checkout with this item only. Here's how (terms and conditions apply) Nokia 8 Specs and Features Camera : 13MP (Col...