Lenovo has launched the ThinkPad E14 20RAS0GK00 variant in India with 10th gen Intel Core i7 processor. It has an MRP price of Rs 97,468. The current lowest price online is Rs 79,990 . It is now in stock on Amazon.in ( check here ). Lenovo ThinkPad E14 20RAS0GK00 is like every other Thinkpad laptop, a machine build to last. It can handle accidental knocks, drops, and even spills. This one has 10th Gen Intel Core i7-10510U Quad-core processor onboard which has a base clock speed of 1.8Ghz and a max boost frequency of 4.9Ghz. For graphics, Lenovo has equipped this with 2GB AMD Radeon RX 640 (GDDR5) GPU. The display is a 14 inch Full HD Screen with Anti-glare coating. It ships with 8GB of ram and hybrid storage - 1TB regular HDD + 128GB SSD storage. This laptop supports Rapid Charge technology that can fill up the battery to 80% in 1 hour. Intel Core i7-10510U ( Quad-core, 8MB smart cache, 1.8Ghz - 4.9Ghz ) AMD Radeon RX 640 ( 2GB GDDR5 ) GPU Windows 10 Home 14 inch F...