Lenovo has launched Legion 5i 82AU00B5IN Laptop in India online. It has an MRP List Price of Rs 1,12,390 and a launch selling price of Rs 75,990 . It is now in stock online on Amazon.in ( check here for the lowest price ) Lenovo Legion 5i 82AU00B5IN is a mid-range Gaming Laptop powered by the 10th Gen Intel Core i5-10300H quad-core processor. It has a base clock speed of 2.5Ghz and max boost frequency of 4.5Ghz. For graphics, Lenovo has equipped this with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 GDDR6 4GB VRAM GPU. The display on this is a 15.6 inch Full HD screen with 120Hz refresh rate support. It comes with 8GB of ram and has a hybrid SSD + HDD storage. There is a 1TB HDD drive for storage and a 256GB SSD for faster booting and performance. It ships with Windows 10 Home operating system. Lenovo Legion 5i 82AU00B5IN Full Specs 10th Gen Intel Core i5-10300H ( 4 cores / 8 Threads, 2.50Ghz base clock speed / 4.50Ghz boost frequency, 8MB Intel Smart Cache ) 4GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 GPU ...