ASUS has launched TUF Gaming FX505DT-BQ157T Gaming Laptop in India online. It has an MRP price of Rs 79,999 and will be available for a lower price. It is now in stock on ( check here for the lowest price ). ASUS TUF Gaming FX505DT-BQ157T is an affordable mid-range gaming Laptop powered by the AMD Ryzen 7 3750H quad-core processor. It has a base clock speed of 2.3Ghz and a max boost clock of 4.0Ghz. For graphics, this laptop uses Nvidia GTX 1650 4GB GDDR5 Graphics GPU. It comes with 16GB of ram and has 512GB of SSD storage. There is no HDD drive available on this model. The display on this is a 15.6 inch Full HD one with a 60hz refresh rate and anti-glare coating. It ships with Windows 10 Home and is powered by a 48Whr battery. ASUS TUF Gaming FX505DT-BQ157T Specs AMD Ryzen 7 3750H ( 12nm / 4-cores / 8 threads / 2.3Ghz - 4.0Ghz Clockspeed ) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 GDDR5 4GB VRAM 15.6 inch Full HD screen ( 60hz / Anti-glare / 1920x1080 resolution / IPS / 45% NTSC )...