Dell has launched Latitude 5410 Business Laptop in India online. It has an MRP price of Rs 1,09,999 and a launch selling price of Rs 99,999 . It is now in stock online on ( check here for the lowest price ). Dell Latitude 5410 is a mid-range business laptop powered by the 10th Gen Intel Core i5-10210U quad-core processor. It has a base clock speed of 1.6Ghz and a max boost frequency of 4.2Ghz. For graphics, it uses integrated Intel UHD Graphics GPU. This laptop comes with 3 Years warranty. It comes with 8GB of ram and has 512GB SSD storage. Some other Dell Latitude 5410 models come with 16GB of ram and 7200rpm HDD / 256GB SSD drive. The display on this model is a 14 inch Full HD screen with an anti-glare coating. It ships with Windows 10 Professional operating system. Dell has equipped this model with a 42Whr battery. Some international models have a bigger 68Whr battery. There is another Latitude 5410 variant powered by the 10th Gen i7-10610U Processor ( Launch Pric...