HP has launched 14s-dq3018TU budget laptop in India online. It is now in stock online on Flipkart and Amazon.in. The current lowest price for HP 14s-dq3018TU is Rs 31,490 on Amazon ( check here ). Currently there are no certified buyer reviews available for this model. It comes with 8GB of ram and has 256GB SSD storage. Hp has powered this laptop with Intel Pentium N6000 quad-core processor. It has a base clock of 1.1Ghz and a turbo boost of 3.30Ghz supported. The display on this model is a 14 inch HD screen with a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels. It is powered by a 3-cell, 41 Wh Li-ion battery. Who is this laptop for ? Pros and Cons This is powered by Intel Pentium Silver N6000 quad-core chipset which is a basic processor and performance-wise comes under 10th Gen and 11th Gen Intel Core i3 processor. While most laptops launching in 2021 feature a Full HD screen, this only has a 720P HD screen. 8GB ram and 256GB SSD is a good combination to have. HP h...