OnePlus is back with another mid-range Nord phone. OnePlus Nord CE 5G is now available to purchase in India online from The basic model in this series has a launch price tag of Rs 22,999. You can also get models with more ram and storage for Rs 24,999 and Rs 27,999. OnePlus Nord CE 5G is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 750G octa-core processor and has Adreno 619 GPU for graphics. The base model comes with 6GB of ram and has 128GB internal storage. The 8GB ram 128GB model, and 12GB ram 256GB storage models are also in stock and available to purchase from ( check here for current offers and prices ). Launch offer: Flat INR 1000 Instant Discount on HDFC Bank Cards ( Offer will end on Sept 15th, 2021 ). OnePlus Nord CE 5G features a 6.43 inch AMOLED screen with a resolution of 2400 x 1080 pixels. It supports 90hz refresh rate for a smoother and fluid UI. In the camera department, this OnePlus mobile features a triple camera setup...