Samsung has launched LS24AM506NWXXL Smart Monitor in India online. This monitor is now in stock and available to purchase online from Currently, it has a price tag of ₹23,500 which is the MRP price for this model. It should sell for a lesser price in the coming weeks. Check here for the current lowest price and offers. Update: Aug 2021 Lowest Price - ₹19,689. Samsung LS24AM506NWXXL is a 24 inch Full HD monitor part of the Smart Monitor Series. Samsung has also launched 27-inch and 32-inch Smart monitor variants. These monitors are powered by Samsung Tizen operating system. It comes with features like Samsung TV Plus, Wireless DeX, AirPlay 2 etc. From the manufacturer The monitor for every side of life. Get work done without a PC, with the installed Microsoft Office 365, or by remote access to your office computer. Then switch to pure entertainment with the on-board one-stop entertainment system. Other Samsung Smart Monitors: L...