OnePlus One 64GB is now Available in India online on Flipkart, and Snapdeal. Lowest Price Online for OnePlus One 64GB in India : Rs 21,998 while the 16GB OnePlus One costs you Rs 18,998 online. Buy OnePlus One 64GB for the Lowest price online from below links. Buy OnePlus One in India Online from below links Flipkart Snapdeal OnePlus One Specs and Features Android Lollipop with CyanogenOS 12 and OxygenOS 2.5GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 quad core processor 578MHz Adreno-330 GPU 3GB RAM 64GB internal memory Single Micro SIM Multi-touch IPS 5.5" (13.97 cm) Corning Gorilla Glass 3 (full HD 1080 x 1920 pixels @ 401 PPI) touch-screen by JDI with LTPS technology Long lasting 3,100 mAh Li-Po battery Best-in-class camera (13MP Sony IMX214 rear with dual LED flash & 5MP front with 1080p@30fps); 6 lenses to avoid distortion and color aberration, 4K resolution video with stereo recording Future ready connectivity: 4G LTE, Bluet...