Infinix Mobiles have launched Note 5 Stylus in India at an MRP Price of Rs 15,999 . As the name suggests this comes with a stylus pen which is quite rare in Android smartphone these days. At Rs 15,999, this is no way competing with the high end Stylus king Samsung Galaxy Note 9 or Note 8. Since the price is not that high, a lot of customers would be interested in getting one of these. Infinix Note 5 Stylus is a Flipkart exclusive device. Check here for the product page. Specs at a glance Mediatek Helio P23 Octa-core Processor 16MP Rear Camera | 16MP Front Camera 4 GB RAM | 64 GB ROM 4000 mAh Li-ion Polymer Battery 5.93 inch Full HD+ display Note 5 Stylus is an Android One device which means it ships with Stock Android on board. Currently it has Android 8.1 Oreo on board and will get Android P in the future. It will also get monthly security updates released by Google. It comes with a 5.93 inch Full HD+ screen and is powered by Mediatek Helio P23 Octacore processor...