Samsung has officially launched Galaxy M30 , a budget mid-range Android smartphone in India at a starting price of Rs 14,999 MRP. It will be available to purchase online from First sale is set for March 7th, 12 noon. Galaxy M30 comes in two ram/storage variants. The base model, 4GB ram 64GB storage variant is priced at Rs 14,999 while 6GB ram 128GB storage variant will cost you Rs 17,999 . It is powered by Samsung's own Exynos 7904 Octacore processor and Mali G71 Mp2 GPU for graphics and gaming. M30 sports a triple camera setup at the back, one of which is an ultra wide angle 5MP lens. Full specs below. Check out the sale page here. Full Specs and Features 6.4 inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED screen with infinity U display ( water drop notch ) 90% screen to body ratio / 19.5:9 Aspect ration Triple Cameras - 13MP regular wide angle camera with F1.9 aperture + 5MP F2.2 live focus + 5MP 123 degree ultra wide angle lens 5000mAh battery with 15W Type C Fast Ch...