Asus has launched Vivobook M509DA-BQ1066T laptop with AMD Ryzen 5 processor in India online. It has an MRP price of Rs 43,990 and a launch selling price of Rs 35,990 . It is now in stock online on ( check here for the lowest price ). Asus Vivobook M509DA-BQ1066T is an entry-level laptop powered by the AMD Ryzen 5-3500U quad-core processor . It has a base clock speed of 2.1Ghz and a max boost clock of 3.7Ghz. For graphics, this laptop uses integrated AMD Radeon Vega 8 Graphics GPU. Other similar models in the Asus M509DA series are M509DA-BQ1065T , M509DA-BQ1064T, M509DA-BQ1063T, M509DA-EJ571TS, M509DA-BQ1067T , etc. It comes with 4GB of ram and has 256GB SSD storage. There is no HDD drive available in this model. The display on this model is a 15.6 inch Full HD screen with an anti-glare coating. It ships with Windows 10 Home Asus Vivobook M509DA-BQ1066T Specs AMD Ryzen 5-3500U ( 4 cores / 8 threads / 2.1Ghz - 3.7Ghz / 4MB L3 cache / 12nm ) AMD Radeon Vega...