Fujifilm has launched X-A5 Mirrorless interchangeable APSC camera in India online on Amazon. It comes with XC 15-45mm f3.5-5.6 OIS PZ kit lens and is priced at Rs 49,999 MRP . Part of launch offer, you can grab this camera for Rs 44,990 on Amazon.in for a limited time ( OFFER LINK ). At the time of this writing, it is not available to purchase from Flipkart ( check here ). Specs and Features Colors Available in : Silver, Brown, Pink 24.2 megapixel APS-C sensor XC15-45mmF3.5-5.6 OIS Power Zoom Lens Bluetooth LCD monitor that can rotate 180 degrees 4K video recording Touchscreen support Fujifilm X-Mount lenses supported Pop-up FLash Aprrox 450 shots battery life Who's this Camera for ? The 4K recording on this is just 15fps which is not good at all for anything. So this is not ideal for you if you plan to shoot a lot of videos in 4K. If you are looking for a retro looking compact camera, with a rotating screen to assist in great selfies, t...